Friday, January 8, 2010

Average Age Of First Brazilian

some issues that are realities, not ratings (well, always cut you make of reality involves an assessment):
2001, four months before the yard, the central bank accumulated 14 billion dollars and the current opposition left the government with little more than 8 000 in reserve. today there are 48.101 million and the transfer ordered to pay obligations cristina is 6569.

from Law 26122, a DNU (decree of necessity and urgency) is the force of law until Congress is issued against him. this means that until there is a full rejection, the decree is effective and acts set forth in that time are absolutely valid. ie: it could not override or release of reserves, or the dismissal of Redrado, even when the camera was issued in favor of the current ex-president central bank. however, the judge issued an injunction branch braking action of the president of the nation.

the charter that both invokes the opposition was developed by Domingo Cavallo. the same gentleman who built the financial corralito plunging into deeper economic crisis in the history of our country.

financial institutions law was designed by one Jose Alfredo Martinez de Hoz in 1977.

is the fifth time the decree was dismissed by a central bank president, but never before the media and the opposition had raised some dust. the last time was in 2005. approved by parliament and was for prepayment to the IMF. Lavagna, who as Minister of K, expelled Alfonso Prat Gay. lavagna the same, but this time working to Duhalde, said goodbye to Aldo Pignanelli. Blesa and Maccarone, during the presidency of de la Rua took the chair at Pedro Pou on 25 April 2001. none of them refused to give or provide protection. Well, pou battled but lost in court.

Redrado is not the owner of the BCRA, only if its president. is the number one directory of ten people, all appointed by the executive with the consent of the Senate. If the board issues a decision by a majority with which you disagree Redrado, had no power of veto: must comply. and if he does, that's exactly what he did, in breach, why if you can untie. Central Bank autonomy is the autonomy of Redrado.

you say bicameral committee on this and any NUD is irrelevant, even could not speak and Congress to address the issue of trade. the key is what happens in the chambers, but it is necessary that both reject it for the fall NUD. in members of the opposition numbers give ample room for a rejection. but if the 36 senators of FPV are no quorum, there can be no meeting, there can be no rejection: the NUD remains in effect.

and putting more positive: speculate that justice could argue that there were at the juncture need and urgency. then the government could draw that apply the "good" doctrine right now to override the 2010/09. and is very clear that the 94 for all NUD here, or most, have lacked the urgency or need or any of those things.

(post under construction)


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