Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cupcakes Sleeveless Cycle Jersey

Manifesto is our desition, to fast life and die young

your eggs shrink by you or says the old Chinese proverb that I just invented. But outside figuretismos
and controversies, this is true. When something is not used, it atrophies. For example, today Romina Rojas Carreño I said the bodybuilders are small. But I refuse to believe it and went to God (google) and he said that they are eggs shrink (and not the dear dildo), because to get estrogen, are no longer huevinchis Need to make estrogen , so pus shrink.

So: use eggs because it will shrink by them. And I assume that something similar should happen to the female, only that the aesthetic is almost nil roche, NACA NACA: P.

And for the DJs who are not readys not activated:

No doubt if you have songs toneable / dance / saltables.


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