the lost treasure that Maria Laura Santillan
scientists are frauds. for me that there are people who wanted to devote to the circus and, of course gave him the sugar, or not stand heights, got a research scientist.
saw that, now, is that the point g there. and who says it does not exist? one similar to what was said. But not content with that, the very bastards, say it well, which is the product of the imagination of women. ajajajajaj. for women it will be. passed decades pressing the importance of finding the point g, which will be a thousand orgasms the colors but as those achieved by the g-spot stimulation ... that there is no point g that give that life is before and after the point now g will come with this! I almost
(g) to buy a gps to see if it was. turro was a graduate of science, had to be Italian, who said he found them with ultrasound. they lost gross tumors with ultrasound, they will not miss the point g! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to devote half a second scientific time to find the g spot, somebody explain. cure cancer with paragraph g of ortho? (Yes, yes, I know it's not out there where they have to buscármelo), just hunger? then why not let humanity quiet. with the hand that you have other things and some people do not use them, and others who do not the rub, and they come to disturb the peace with point g. Call it does not exist and the mine found one or lover persuaded her to have: by what right are these gentlemen to say that is the product of its lush imagination. if she did not know he had imagination, or for serving, she was happy with his point g, in the name of what they have to come to spit roast at the mine. here, rather than see the face of God, I perceive the devil's tail, with all due respect I tell you. this is the church who does not eat or leave.
profile footnote says: "Apparently, the existence of the G spot in women would be only a myth. At least, as reported by research English, which ensures that there is no proof that there really erogenous zone. "
Well, if so you going to believe the British, there is no proof of many things, yet they insist on some stocks, sovereignty, for example.
"The study, which was nothing less than the participation of 1,800 women, concluded that" the idea of \u200b\u200bpoint G is subjective "subjective
!'s all subjective. also the size of accompanies you in your search, is the sea of \u200b\u200bsubjective. and so what? discovered gunpowder?
end point g is like God, no evidence of its existence, deny it all the time, but in the name of it move mountains. Moreover I always wondered how will these investigations. 1800 meet crazy and start playing? is sent to the gynecologist in the depths and calls it the point? Hey, point g. .. the shell of your mother about g. .. where the fuck you hid ... how do they do? looking at the female body as he seeks coal mine?
"That is the conclusion reached by the team at King's College London, who says the G-spot may be a product of the imagination of women, encouraged by the magazines and sex therapists, the BBC World .
or the woman who found the point g is a fan imagining things? and therapists who pushed to that point what are fictional? some fuckers barbarians? to me that Ernest Grafenberg, a gynecologist who discovered it in the other century, was unparalleled and a joker, now, Descojonado of laughter from the grave while a search is desperate, or worse, finding something that does not exist. German
and this asshole how did you find out? was one day past the siestero with the secretary and the minita shouted eureka! the guy believed in his honor said he had found a spot as America and who is ready, there we all dumb to get us a point we do not have? as a kind of mirror of color rather than we sold?
perfect couples induced to fail just because they did not know what they found did not have or recognize that they did not know they had reached a subjective ... maps have been made official and alternative ways to get to the point. We have been repeated ad nauseam that the important thing is not to arrive, if not the way and now what we found is that it did not exist.
but rather that when we said "should not exist because I can not find" told us that every woman is different and, well, we all had no such luck ... now what? they will say the costumes Conchuda in our bodies mocked incomplete? liars, liars. keep pretending ...
mine five years ago says there is like when you stimulate the g spot g spot there, Daddy, how ya gonna do, now, to believe an orgasm? What ingrates these scientists, one lying on its behalf and pay you well.
"Women may argue that diet and exercise helps to have the G-spot but in reality it is virtually impossible to find actual traces," said Tim Spector, co-author of the study. He added: "This is the largest study so far and shows in almost certain that the idea of \u200b\u200bpoint G is subjective." Vos fijate
says not accurate, said "almost" accurate, is not something that you will forget the point g no way back to convince you that it is better to keep looking, back on track, back to basics.
"The women who participated in the study were twins, and each was asked about the existence of point G. If any of the identical twins responded that yes, it was expected that the other had identical genes, so to have. But it was not in any of the cases investigated. The conclusion also determined that if the twins have identical genes agreed not to assert the existence of the G-spot, the less they would the twins, who share only half their genes. "
this part of the twins and is science fiction. and besides these fuckers kids were in partuza. not one of the twins is half asshole and not find it? why do not you look back to the mate who said no, can not yet found the clitoris.
you say that this news is serious or left in barcelona?
"It is quite irresponsible to claim the existence of an entity that has never been tested and put pressure on women and men (to find)," said Andrea Burriquien, who also participated in the investigation. Happens, he explained, more worrying to think that there is a point G, is to generate many women believe they are imperfect because they do not find it. "
and they are going to tell all macho burriquien andrea read this note? that he or she invented all this because they do not, do not find or do not know how to look ... like when someone comes up to say that what matters is not the size or the amount is not important, what matters is quality. I Rio de Janeiro and silver, too.
nothing to do, is as my grandfather told me: that's life, sad and fucked up. a catch and others watch. this is the moral: you do not pick up, leave.
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