Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Letter Of Request For Telephone Line

The legal concern for the environment Pages Environmental Information # 36

Since 1999, the journal of environmental information, published by the Government of La Rioja and directed by journalist Monica Ascacíbar Ruiz - has filled a gap in the landscape of environmental information, providing a wide range of issues (management of urban and industrial waste, environmental education programs, performances in terms of fauna and flora, natural areas, forest environment, hunting, fishing, fire, sustainable development, air quality and water, etc. ) which takes a comprehensive, rigorous and fun. In the next issue 36 (June 2011) published this article I have written to raise awareness that legal concerns for the environment began only forty years in the mid-70's of last century . If you want to subscribe free to this publication and receive at your home, just apply by filling out this form .


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