Wednesday, March 3, 2010

License Hasp Emulator 2010

St. Crispin's Day

Battle of Agincourt

By Horacio González *

page 12
In 1415 occurred the battle of Agincourt, a subject specialist in English history. Be remembered less if he had taken Shakespeare in Henry V. The monologue that puts into the mouth of King Henry is a formidable piece that calls no enthusiasm never wane, despite the disadvantage. But the monologue is not the mere enthusiastic over a really unfavorable. It was asking about the foundations of the action, the emotion of the politician that rises to the very threshold of failure or disaster. Henry V's speech was in a beverage, taken from a single sip, composed of the elixir of honor. The day of battle, that "day of St. Crispin," would always be remembered, whatever the outcome, to compose a relaunch of the common life. The brotherhood of the brave in the midst of a business almost impossible. Then, with its horror and its dead, the battle found a new heroic race, but not conceited. Only a quiet force in memory.
is the discourse of political excitement around a prodigious heroism, the heroism of those who were in the minority and hungry. Involves human recreation from his ridiculous condition of weakness. It is the saga of the exhausted and extracting an outburst slumping almost nothing epic
these men were common at a time when their lives take upon himself a formidable task. Created the brotherhood of resistant devoid of material forces. Just had his conviction, his free thought or militant. All times
generous feelings stem from a society that spring unexpectedly. Nobody is a hero. The situation is the most common heroic situations. Surge of fragility, distress or despair.
The widespread disbelief is a product of media democracy, the dominance of small maneuvers, the tactical and tactical irritation irritated. Without "discourses of St. Crispin." The word reflexive
public has been replaced by Claymore calculated cool language tests, monosyllables that if they are rude calan more. The concept of politics, with its dramatic subject has been replaced by the "political operation," the story "planted" obstruction hatched in political backrooms. The deployment of ideas supported by complex reasoning has been replaced by chicanes and television, mean tolerated actions called "sticks in the wheel" or "bill passes," shared buildings have been replaced by exorcisms and quarantine, "not get stuck, "he released her hand."
be clear: the collective speech compliments and picaresque heritage metaphors are not enemies of democracy are a grain of salt that flavors the old pact between the cultivated and the source languages \u200b\u200bof the ironies righteous folk. But now national policy seems to be in permanent state of verbal whipping, with specialists in "meter cover" tevé programs, researchers from private life, moral cleaned up and appear promising spectral emissaries Savonarola, biographies mannose techniques landfill, another professional screamers phrases like "I let him speak now I speak, "which are symptoms of a dialogue space divisive of political subjects that must arise and not fanatics changeling. We are tempted to say that missing the "St. Crispin's speech," the allegation of Agincourt, to raise public awareness of its pigeonholes rebels.
broken crumbs of political thought that once produced the public enthusiasm ended up being entrenched forms of rancor. The country looks at his hands, half-empty or half full depending on who opine, and recreates the spectacle of a living society but troubled, self-absorbed and ready to be picked up by any political knavery. During the conflict with field is discussed what kinds drove to the conscience, the soul that led to motor show in the streets. The ways of the people framed and were sentenced on behalf of a conscience undefiled, regenerative. Were "worthy" of translucent soul against suburban men uploaded onto trucks. A new classism "no interest" might arise as superior to inherited forms of popular support. The great success of the diffuse right to believe that was retained for himself the selfless activism and issue a record of conviction against common linkers collective mobilization. That battle was lost by the Government. And society, though she has not noticed.
gold nugget was found to have you believe, then, that the maximum attack on existing institutions, a vice president for journalism quarrelsome considered as a "bishop among infidels" - a gesture seen as Republican, not dramatically altered the picture constitutional. Jurists, politicians and analysts ethical brainy, is easy to get those titles in the certificate factory high national press insist that this man, vice president of yore, duly fulfills its mission and no matter the secessionist acts that are produced by the mere fact of sitting in that chair, as Kagemucha, the Japanese raised. This man trivial with other advisers eager carnival, has discovered that politics is hardly stay seated, leaving a message everyday schism within the state by simply putting their backsides on a stretcher in the Senate. This institutional split their vote is worthless catastrophic, revealed how a Republican who is running tears by the presence of the man without qualities, without dignity, but with his butt in "lieu juste." Republicanism frequently citing the cloying trucho-not true, the founder of political theory it as a curiosity, as one looks a welcome parade of the Queen of the Harvest. This battle is also losing the Government. And society, though she did not realize.
this time will be remembered as the dudes who put on edge to a government making statements in front of their petithotels of Bajo Belgrano. What can you say? What in this situation should take care procedures? No doubt. But another thing is the misfortune of institutions, a spectacular misunderstanding that are believed to be defended by these people who know and utilize in the characteristics of a society with deep currents refractory to change, to the great adventure of living libertarian and innovation policy. Read the press hegemonic in their fight blind: a little word is received suspicious IMF with delight by the opponents of the government, but the next day will go through "imperialist" proclaiming the protection of reserves, the evening salute to a U.S. envoy card proclaiming "demigolpiste" recycled American academics in the conservative American at midnight may feel "hit" with Redrado, elated with Judge Sarmiento, the next morning to announce the suspension of the audiovisual media law firm alibis embarrassing, and at dusk the other day promoting the clearance robespierreana Republic, the "virtuous" against the "corrupt" with a simplistic moralism that often was the messianic dictatorship substrate. And tea time can see how some who sit undisturbed international academy is "overreacting" in a protest against oil exploration in the Falklands. And weekends, editorials in the mainstream media commandite, heralding the "end of cycle" or wondering with a halo of innocence, "How do to keep power in the remaining two years?".
Everything is subject to derision in the country. This is not possible to restore the relevance of public speaking in the nation, such as invisible support their moral framework. Collective action and social progress evident at risk before a reactionary who knew how to seize new styles and militant protest, appending them as "fighters wing" neo-conservative in the procession. There are no proven ways to disarm the huge mistake that runs behind a sensitive part of society. But at some point may appear equivalent of "Agincourt speech."

* Sociologist, professor at the UBA, director of the National Library.


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