aste-cococcioni pajama party |
from top to bottom: lorenzo, valentina and Catalina, wild with joy! |
catalina and fox, and showed lolo the worth to Smack. |
the slogan was sprawled! |
face of "how we spent with Aunt coke?" |
Lorenzo diego t-shirts (86) and messi and the puppet catalina preferred. it was catalina so cute that they wanted to take pictures with him. |
Valentina, Lorenzo and Catherine were cousins \u200b\u200bslumber party at home. After dinner we shoot. above the slogan was dreaming face of crazy things, then asked them monkey face, but they got to strut with the hands, face out they do not like ugly. then made: where are my pekes, and hid behind Zorri, Ugly and Paws, the amigurumi crocheted them. we more but we can not tell you everything, man! among the three, also filmed a movie, it seems, is being edited. but the funny thing was that I was told that Teddy was falling head when sleeping. so as 4am I heard a huge noise but I thought it a planet that had fallen on the planet next door. the latter, golpeaditos but very polite, asked if they could go to my room. lolo comes in alpha, with kta and Chinese. "Mom, we fell lolo, he burst his head on the floor is full of bumps" lolo nor crying, watched me asking me all this happened? I say, lolo, I notice if I broke floor?, lolo hurt? lolo, you have bumps? lolo want to sleep in the bed of sanctity that has no legs so if you fall again, not because it's all you fall flat? all said yes, Nabito. but the premium it settled back in the favorite chair so he could watch cartoons before bed and filled his apartment with pillows, if you drop the big head again.
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