countless bloody Christmas fairs is over Christmas and had no willingness to write my Christmas story. but I think that happens to me every Christmas since I write the story of Christmas.
as I have time until 31 because the Christmas story really is not Christmas but New Year's Eve celebrations.
perhaps, before worrying about ready to leave the Christmas story, decide to show what the hell are we going to end of the year, but as I know by heart their answers or ask them and I quote some possible without noting who is becoming one because it is not necessary.
- do nothing, is a day as any. Flipping burgers and fries and after 12 I'm going to see fish
- anything but eat raisins
- same to me means nothing
- having to leave home to bathe and
- to use that money to buy an air conditioner, ma ... I do not care
- have internet, music, TV ... buy a coke and go. and then come some friends, ma ... Yes, ma. ready, ma. said yes, no ma?
- I do not care how good it would go a hotel and stay in the room eating from the fridge. and when we get bored, we go to the pool. but we do not bathe.
- do not know, no idea ... just mom, you Think it, do not you realize I'm seeing almost angels. but almost angels and over. instances of the second part of the first season, just ma. (For me that this baby instead of Mommy, Mommy, Mamucha decided to call suffices)
- anything, do not touch fish total
- I do not care what you want but after twelve plays
- want to eat fish cutlets , but which you and you do not make history because today we have fish santi
anything. I would say that fish did not play because he had to spend New Year with his mother. anyway, when there arises a good idea should be left to the Swiss labor ultimately decided by a (and fish).
a while we only need the first and make the Christmas fairy tale of first year.
in general, people ask for wishes for the coming year, I prefer to remember the non-desires that I met. those who did not ask for throwing coins into the fountain of the sea train, or putting the car under the bridge when a train passes ... much less the last year I asked each raisins (dried grapes! I forgot eat raisins that is not the same as to forget to wish), are things that may seem silly for anyone, issues that have nothing to do with shining success, or valued in the currency basket ... how funny horse and the basket of currencies, sorry that image came to me at the helm. desires is not because they were not deliberately left to be desired wishes fulfilled. namely
in 2010 I got something that took me ten years. okay, I admit, I lasted less than two months but it is important to have succeeded. is an important achievement and I hope they appreciate, not just my luck but the effort must be put to fulfill some wishes: for six weeks and three days I was the favorite aunt of Julian. epa! not everyone (yes, I know, only conchudita laura). Now back to my crazy aunt role he says he is not so bad, I do not worry. as I was concerned and asked him the ball came to me asking craft since he was their favorite aunt. you say I'm talking pelotudeces but I know that is a serious achievement because the ball came out round and all, is an important step. and have doubts about my abilities to make strips of cloth stuffed with fleece balls (although july absolutely confident in me) I wrapped one and took another for the change if not liked the separate red (because my nephew is independent but has his face painted blue and yellow, I think). okay, okay: juli did not say exactly what he liked but got two. and that is more than a lot when your ball comes off the super battery to play with the wi! only hope is a miracle ... Speaking of miracles is the turn of my favorite goddaughter:
of milagritos I got one on qualification. said the moist chocolate cake I made for Christmas Eve was like: "a thousand points" and wants her birthday cake when you arrive at eight. mucus seems silly thing but do not believe, moist chocolate cake will replace the seven unbeaten chocotorta birthday wearing their branches (you saw that some children celebrate his birthday three or even four times, is this fascination with blow out the candles and ask for wishes, no I tell you ...). Catalina
with conquests had smaller but no less difficult. Well wishes to achieve with and for children is far more complex than with or for the nephews. at one point the nephews are relaxed and less demanding when giving by a desire materialized. Well, catalina established that all the mothers of the world, at least world she knows, I'm the one that best makes the burgers, sometimes even exceed those of mc donalds (which does not mean she considers to Ronald as a mother) and if I return with the effort bite the onion and cool a bit before seasoning the pan, return to what they were before. Before that, Catherine? before you would do the live, ma, and quit putting onions and ketchup bottle glass. Santi
to reach some superlative achievements but can not confess publicly and good luck to have in my library pessoa won the last non-desire fulfilled in 2010. So, I did nothing, but anarchist banker's book is on the table in the bathroom waiting for the end or someone santi learn that it ended and relocate it on the shelf of p of which once was only my library. talk of books reminds me that Julian asked me to give away some of the following items will be interested in this 2011 address: hitler (gulp), dinosaurs, Atlantis and something else that eludes me and it's not turtles. see what I can do about it. (Suggestions are accepted by return mail.) Valentina
to have an outstanding achievement. discovered a story of mine in an anthology and began reading. my success will be the year that began get your mother to help so you can finish it. in principle because there is a santiago impressed and Catherine of players: they are called like your children, aunt coke!
with lolo I have no particular desire fulfilled although this year it became my official test prototype toys. I make dolls and give them to loloncho to see if they fall apart, get dirty, get lost in a corner and never anyone ever encountered. ratatouille but we lost and I always valentina rescues him and puts it to sleep in the cradle of her dolls. time! yes I played a non-desire to lorenzo. four days ago I said OK, thought about it and I will give your lunchbox of
Buzz Light year but only because it has two equal and that gives me a little. this is a declaration of love. matched because I always gave him a little while the woody Santiaguito and let them play with my lunchboxes when it comes to home: Aunt coke ... you're an aunt or a girl?
not have not had other conquests. I noticed some tastes and ran some risks but I think they stopped caring about the desires that have nothing to do with the surprises and emotions. nobody is going to get in front of his birthday cake to ask lolo deemed possible buzz deliver your lunchbox worth or want to read a story of Santiago and sprockets, or even no one would install in his desire to source showed enchanted place your home pessoa find or declare his brothers showed their mom as the best hamburguesera of universe. is generally better to ask for work, health, love and success which must always be accompanied by money because if not, can not be pissed. Not that I would not have requested expedited san san expeditious know what to get, and I refuse to go to san antonio to thank for their laburos owed, even I gave to my sisters and cousins \u200b\u200bfat cat good Chinese fortune (that pussy shocking that moves the leg inviting customers to spend the money and good fortune) ... I still wish such universal issues as farting. but I like more and more, provide the details, almost always, more near from the truth. This year he spent almost all of these details had to do with the family mostritos and seemed to count was the best Christmas story of all possible Christmas stories.
now because I'm left with the mostrita aste to make our list of objectives for 2011. goal is not the same as desire. twelve things is we intend to do this year that cost us and we always want and never do or never did because we had happened ... the secret is not ever check the list to avoid unnecessary despair. Santiago, for instance, already proposed resuming classes trumpet (sorry for the neighbors with those ears so absolute that they have) and visits to the club of friends to graze a bit. and fish, of course, all other proposals santi for 2011 have to do with fish ..