Saturday, April 30, 2011

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Friday, April 29, 2011

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but disOnanistas noysientas sound sometimes. Cubist wallacianamente

I asunceno-Lambaréné, I between the eyes with the literature since at least the Falklands War, for being born during the stronismo requires an attempt to cure his schizophrenia which state-of-nursed us the best and cheapest method possible, in my case , writing. I'm not a moralist, almost never, if I do it from satirizes dazed confusion, not from the privileged lucid look crazy, cocky and undamaged. Rather, I agree as a character in my writing, trying to give a bonus of my dreams early scriptural authenticity. Everything i love is creole, pidgin, melting pop, fusion, in the language and life, in fact alive sewn fabric pieces, patches of my skin surrounding reality as a bizarre frankenstein, i want seamless ... Diglossia my humus, dyslexia is the scalpel surgery ke ... As individual musicians who use the courts Gillette to make their sound, my writing cut and paste pages of prose also ke kieren music noisientas sound dissonant but sometimes. And yes, I agree, the yiyis and music, the rest is silence or tenbo Rei!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

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Young blood in a new book by Thomas Montero

Tomás Montero -one the best experts in this field, has just published a new book entitled juvenile criminal legislation discussed and agreed upon in the publishing law, Wolters Kluwer group. The book is divided into two parts: first, analyzed article by article, with notes, concordances and commentaries, doctrinal and jurisprudential text of the Organic Law 5 / 2000 of January 12, governing the criminal liability of minors and the implementing regulations (Royal Decree 1774/2004 of 30 July), and, on the other hand, collects all the regional rules on this matter. I have had the privilege of writing the foreword - Young blood - covering the life of some young, real and literary, which had trouble with the law: Billy the Kid, Ned Kelly , Huckleberry Finn, the hustler Don Pablos, Lazarillo de Tormes, Oliver Twist , Etc.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Quote About Cancer Death

not handle or stab gambarotianamente

1. Mangos mangos Mangos

light God's word on the street found pulpy kon ke beat-beat drumming so from his bushy East:
mingus mingus mingus :

2.Mango Psichotropikalizante

Andáte and if what, Psyche-Kurupí enyiyizada of Apollo, the distance ke grabs his baton made of elbows and more elbows to connect with his paternal homeland vagina originating hanging penis / cock penetrating and saliva over the volumes and volumes of St. Thomas abstemious eater but despite the dizzying sea patronymic before the evil eye ke its obsessive reader and darker Scoto tomato escolástizante mbichy in radiation hiroshimeska arresolanada pm an evening Asuncion, that nothing ke kema and cooking our brains for the big dog Bear hateful Hanibal deus otiosus idle between the neglect of the olive ke pain only gave us all this evil time saborenado eclesiastésiko dawn of the Chaco Boreal my fevered desires ke condoms have broken all mortgaged to the work routine and mediocrity porke sadness is the spice of life Master youngest, at best, merely lemon juice or subtle in your suitcase or discomfort were purring on your mouse stolen skirt mice Fulda, nangána basin, the hides in his gallantry galleon a lion!

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oku wanderings

My cat when he crouches toward Garden of birds mutates mutates into a frog rabbit

The micro-bristle or bristle brush Unika Coleman is not pork

All-mostly farmers-have-been acquired with time ruminates his office-head of cattle, are or not Basques or too little marangatus

And when it comes to vehicular indigenous with our mother tongue, an explosion occurs: Cristino Bogado

half Indian I am indeed Maká allusllay when naked red skin on the mare jopará (kafka, goethe) rode to the wooden horse (or wasp-cava, in Guarani-wood that exudes champagne castiza prosody, caste deflowered chalk every single day colokial speech, the hobby horse, a tongue to pass the time most of) the English language demonic possessed stuttering dyslexic hystérika Mistika kasi kasi kaka oreante kachi'ai
1 Indian testicle the other almost head or near ass
Indian 1 testicle and the head (or ass) English (es)
schizo Knight halved by tongues of fire shot through non-original post-Heideggerian Aka Blair abuts the amount to remove my own and my not winged praised those syllables given to my people my inner voice dull Socrates in lemon demon Yes
riko he'e is the mother I enkular which indigenous Xamán itifáliko in Banket not just dollars and nervaliano huidobriano pain, love and poetry
My Yo is a of English jopará babbling and Guarani guarango
A colorful spot a nutritious mix
chillida 1 shriek 1 anarkos state astillazo

My Self is a jopará of locro and bean post-Titians translaticios false
is a stain on the skin of the English and their language lectoleprosa
(I crammed prose)
Paraná river is a flow not desiring nor instinctual
food is a gastronomic verbal prayer
A gas and spirits watch
Based on Nothing just

2 ybyra pytäs colossal sales are not red or yellow flowers, but often sprinkle the house in the afternoons and breezes

silence and cheese cake with tartar sauce ate stale

ñanduti .... I feel the nose of a spider weaving on your swellings of brunette hovy!

Kurumiri y sus





when open, or better on a history aplik broli the important thing is another thing, my darling ... do not read, remember what others wrote ke ...
pleasure never or the neck tickled by the leaves
invisible 1 e-book knowledge but
that's the book
is to take ... .
platonic not bad
sikiera or reading the books of Joseph Pla-PLA certainly as good plot- refugees by
feel pleasure PLA zero zer ... sorry .. .

Kien to care about the pleasure in the book when ...
that is the territory of reality
the book
a brain vivisected
exposed brain vita

by ke no books narrated Sharunas Bartas mode?
porke even write as ill Borgian burgundy crammed bourgeois!

the first bitch paskaliano cosmos: Laika Virgin

English groin opens with the key of coskillas

never came out with a yiyi Stroessner, ;, and so it was, died a virgin!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

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QDC 13: Advancement of contents

The next issue of the journal Criminology Quader (April / May 2011) will, among others, with different items of interest: Professor of CISE (USAL) José Ignacio Antón Prieto address the past, present and future of criminology as a social science , a team of professors from the UCJC - Francisco Pérez Fernández, Joanne Mampaso Desbrow, Nereida Good War and Pilar González Lozano - analyze the importance of the psychologist as part of the equipment in accordance with the Law Regulator of Criminal Responsibility of Minors, the judge Margarita Perera Robayna write about awareness of the unlawfulness , and the criminologist José Manuel Servera will present the draft Criminology and Justice: the birth of a new era . As usual our sections, the jurist Carlos L. governed interview Janice Ramila, author of Human Predators ; Alberto Albacete us closer to the mind of Andrei Chikatilo Russian murderer, and Roberto Car , we will release forensic dentistry, a technique employed in necroidentification in a `black box 'with 500,000 years old. Finally, we will know what does the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and what are the four most serious international crimes. QDC 13 will be available mid next June .

Monday, April 25, 2011

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The handle of Marika L. Irène

The handle of Marika L. Ope

zeligs fever and bisextenario figurettis of producing more victims and swindlers ke dengue. Trux That year, 2011, more houses came Madame Lynch ke Miracles of the Virgin Hovy, Juana de Lara panties that Christ's sake, dildos ke Bernardino Caballero Mamerto san jaws, orange government of France Kamba Buddha ke trees, descendants (and toothless) bastards Antonio Carlos Lugo negative adnes ...
If you used the holy week for the gathering and bucóliko-alkohola meditatio and does hint movement inland, and the first foot stirrup ke pushed on a newly asphaltites blequeado by MOPC, just a sign you had questions scaring his ministerial emphasis : school caminito Calaven Honourable Member, if on the other side tries a weekend in a cheap hotel in fourth but gave you a giant Baratelli the welcome Me: aka made his first pee Curupayty hero ...
In that vein, collective psychosis that I glimpsed the business Sakari trouble definitely live without rushing and Scotch whiskey the best catalog catables and haste without court: I invented the myth of childhood tree marika Cerro Cora.
handle the lonely and dreamy child of our greatest hero appears in the most remote sources of imagery apologetic and the most popular ... legendary tomes.
Cardozo says Ephraim pushed by the wave seriously and adults occupied the hero kid I used to frequent a mango plant curled up early in his solitude, crawling among the branches labyrinthine and Hindustani, brooding epic-tragic future perhaps, blue nights Ypakaraí with foreign but inside his warm and protective isolation, making enviroment-buffer from the sea shell-torn village gossip of dead calm, music ... and light sleepers charatas clicks Yacy foot cutting the nap Jateré their yuyales.
O'Leary added in a footnote on page the mango tree (the first entered the country by the Portuguese before the treaty of Tordesillas, which pushed pra centrifugal side of the new line purchase demarkatoria leaving the opposite side, Paraguay, the newly planted mango, in short, all an act cut with the sword of the future left Paraguay Tor quotes of both worlds in their division seminal mainland) survived the war but was whisked Guasú subsequently to the sketch of the city Asuncion.
Domínguez Bertoni or several hypotheses on the location of the handle: in edges of the Paraguay River, which the great flood of 82 could have left buried in the mud of the bay and / or adjacent, or Ñemby, at the foot of a hill of slate stone that was so loudly demolishing a dynamite shattered use it to pave the cities and famous bedrooms with dark blue as we see today in the very Ñemby ... In Mangrullo, under the double puff the cemetery and the hill up there as its current topology Saxon Square Channel 9 or under the stadium Defensores del Chaco ...
Other lopistas not stop swirling around the tasks fulfilled there in the tree x the child López. If you practiced the exercise of any musical instrument, the flute and the rebec Jesuit, or native ... Mbarak
The author deschavetado fan sing to Mariskal not delve into the sexual prowess of their singing character, unless in early childhood (in this repeats the alleged assault of magazines avantigarde of sexual liberation as Playboy but ... never skirted pedophilia and pederasty in his short stories).
The corn in his stool countries vatikaniensis (apud " The execution of Bishop Palacios. Vatican documents ", Estudios Paraguayos, XI, 1:25-50, 1983, Bartomeu Meliá-ke go look at the vatikano Kagar apostasy is the worst ) slides the handle more so ke Avati hosted the games not only narcissistic but sometimes the Child was accompanied by more of a family friend and sometimes a gang of Akahata, say their early Christians in the leadership race or explosive of war guru ke will specialize in local history or even with that famous throughout Sudakalandia.
Richard Burton did not mention the mango but between definitions of the soul almost Dostoevskyan Paraguay ("a dark nationality", "a Paleolithic human ) takes time to draw a psychological portrait of our epic hero and highlights their playful spirit (You could write from this neglect, a history omissions, omissions extol sub-canonical authors and would send into the abyss of corner
dark encyclopedia other canonical sucking mandarins, but seek omissions of smaller objects, tiny, not even literary or historical interest, like that soap that Nabokov obsessively pursued in his analysis of Joyce's Ulysses , here we handle Lope marika ...), its obstinacy of purpose, its hysteria and quirks in the front, would refer to a character modeled on hours of solitary confinement in early childhood, when incubated styling genius of the story ... in the hours alone children.
Roa Bastos in the notes now lost (or in your Champion kemadas Adidas) but ke any eye witness but not orejular (read that statement heard in exile hose Kurepa of the gone gold 60's Losada and film or Toulouse in France in 70 or even 90's Cervantes Madrid, although not necessarily Manora in the neighborhood where he died two thousand ...) has stated drunk or dazed in front of me on nights of beer and gossip: the handle was climbed for the Child of the Motherland pristinely alone, but it seemed this routine was not perched inaugurated by him, but ke mango and our character had been used by other cronies to initiations or disclosures parasexual genealógikas or vaguely parental yes was later expropriated by the Lopez and the child entirely alone and later attended recently released its square-strong child your panda, ke the first group was responsible and where he began to practice his powers Herrschaft charismatic and Guarani with them is more Iturbe pen adds morbidity to the subject and talks about a bunch of initiation formed by 5 ke nursery and led the Child and engaged Sadik-sexual games to the hustle and bustle of a Russian roulette or the ring Paraguay .... (the story has not the time homo Cervantes prize or their hours but another feather Levant, also plan that the wind will take , unverifiable before any judge, unimpeachable kasi ke to history is always written or handwritten ... horribly neglecting the source of the oral and verbal).
The other pen, and yet anonymous linguist, was not exactly anti-lopista, then to the sudden candor on a historical-ke punctum devotees usually omitted or understood also jumped or mischievously, there is no more to say than anyone else know the reason for its emergence through a review as untimely and counter to the whole vast opus apologist quarterback.
But my business does not rest on the anti-heroic story, or vice versa, says René Girard in Violence and the sacred : if all human culture rests on a large and primitive act of violence, so my bizznes bisextenario rest upon the neglect or omission of an anecdote or anti-legendary story, vaguely apocryphal, invented by Demon whispered anti-lopistas, Kurepa or grandbabies the Count D'eu, etc., in the erasure of slip of the pen on the heroic life the Mariskal, morbid, in short end ... To sell my mango tourism should obliterate museístiko heroic bisextenario the mouth of paranoia mendacious criticism of the story, to purge the anti-gossip and history formed the most improbable doxography and powerlessness, a kind of oral book of convicted aliens transcribed ... but of course .. ha ha
The mangifera indicates arrived in South America in the same hand that had donated the ukulele to Hawaii, with the Portuguese at the end of 18. Plant Antioxidant, anti-cancer while ambitious, engrossing light eater and more sod sod in search of his domain and tectonic splint. Double perfect holy plant Cerro Cora, there where Marshall spent more than a balloon mongolfierino the mercy of the Kamba asegún counter the ineffable Stroessner joke Gece ... Vitamin A of the martyrs of the country reduced to 200 thousand citizens ragged passed from mouth to mouth, sucking the solar photons accumulated throughout his life erectile mangos mangos mangos, music gluttony blood azukarada subtropikal, whose fruit, an oval or dented sap imperfect, simulates the charms of the breast or perhaps a phallus retacón such as ke was chopeton Mariskal and even Karapa but strong as its trunk holding his top-heavy.
Tarkovskianuniverse land.
If Tarkovsky begins with a tree and a child and also ends with the sequence of tree and a child, then Tarkovskianuniverse is or could be, but also of our land.
Russian First movie:
Ivan's Childhood, black and white films Moscow, 1962 --- The first sequence shows a child smile (Ivan) under the shadow of a gnarled tree and high (witness the film acknowledges the failure to recognize the scientific name of it, sorry, sniff ...), the decision opens up the trunk of the tree in a traveling air ... It is his first feature film ..
Slaughter, color, production co-Swedish-Italian (?), 1986, posthumous award in Cannes by the Christian Commission (?) - , the sequence shows the hitherto mute boy-crazed summoned by his father and already at that point and fitted jacket for the asylum- Little Man, who is seen watering the tree of love (apparently Japanese, if that's not scientific but cap more Korean or Oriental ke minimalist music is heard far and pasim of the film takes us back to that idea) twisted planted in the opening scenes of the movie helped by his father in that task for a very long monologue ... When finished water spilling from the bucket of brass lies under the tree and suddenly says the first words of the Gospel of John :
"In the beginning was the Word ... why ké potato?
And the camera climbs up the tree bole twisted up to his bowl thinned and still feel dry and mixed Japanese landscape to Friedrich is forced upon us again ..
So, just a tree and a child (strictly speaking, two different children in both age but under circumstances similar drop-out) are the reasons most brilliant work humanófobo one eye ke has never even touched with moisture into their most biased ...
A tree and a child certainly is the leitmotiv of the history of this land.
A pindó sometimes and genipa an inbred and a couple other men and women, women with a child in her womb, a proto-child sheltered , saved by the tree mythology.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

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Némerovski Ope: Elizabeth Gille

dream Memories of one of the daughters of Ukrainian Jewish writer, Irene French Nemerovski_Elizabeth

Friday, April 22, 2011

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

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Beyond Dracula Travellersbook

The waitress, how could it be otherwise, wearing a devil costume with a coat of satin (red and black) and a plastic horned head. A uniform well suited to serve dinner at Transylvania . I imagine that this staging is so topical in Romania and Morocco Berber dinner or a flamenco in Andalusia, where they mix folklore and traditional culture with the best marketing techniques , but make no mistake, this is exactly what tourists expect to see in a place that Bram Stoker, the author of Dracula - defined as a party wildest and least known Europe. You can read it by clicking here .

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

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Raiva Mork to Earth without evil. The prophetic Tupi-Guarani: Helene Clastres

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Monday, April 18, 2011

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

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talk about certain things-Cristina Chain and Paul Maire, April 16, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

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Larva.Babel a night of San Juan: Julian Rios

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

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The pornocratie ou Les femmes dans les temps modernes

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

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UT EROS Chinoy . PARAWAYENSIS FEMALE EROTIC POETRY: Maria Eugenia Ayala and Cristino Bogado

Ut eros

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Does cultural background of an aggressor can influence the impairment of a right? Decalogue

When a girl as young as 13, born in Cádiz but Mauritanian migrant child is born to this North African country to marry an older man and he, returning to Spain, forced to have sex with the support of his own mother, who comes to tell his daughter will again lead to Mauritania, (...) I was going to stoning and the foundation stone was going to shoot her? - the question is what happens if an offender's conduct is not criminal in their country of origin but yes that violates a law in Spain? That is, the cultural background of an aggressor can influence the impairment of a right as basic as sexual freedom? The answer is found in Case 992/2010, 8 January, and in this article that I posted in the first English digital newspaper of Criminology and Justice , led by Jose M. Servera.

Monday, April 11, 2011

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Environmental Law in the Legal field

In 1835, the French naturalist Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire used the term milieu ambiance to refer to the physical environment surrounding living beings. Since then, this concept is widespread in the routine use of each language. The first difficulty we encounter when talking about this branch of law occurs when to define the Law of the Environment, a task that is not easy when you consider that this is a concept as complex and multidisciplinary any aspect may arise from environmental point of view. If you are interested in this subject can read the pdf of my article Decalogue environmental law, at number 03/11 of Magazine legal, Eletrônica Law Review , published this month in Rio Grande (Brazil).

Sunday, April 10, 2011

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Brazilian magazine Astronomy Space Law # 143

Since 1985, this monthly publication has become the English reference in the field of astronomy, astrophysics and space science. Its director, writer and scientist Ángel Gómez Roldán has published my article 10 keys to find the right space the number 143 (May 2011) of Astronomy to help disseminate this girl - and still unknown-branch of international law among its readers. More information own web of the magazine, last December, held its 25th anniversary.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

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In the Netherlands, the anatomical studies of corpses were cleared from 1555, but only with the bodies of male offenders who have been condemned to death. The body of the thief Adriaan Adriaanszoom -hanged for wounding a guard at Utrecht, was donated to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Amsterdam the January 31, 1632 . That day, on the autopsy table, Dr. Nicolaes Tulp gave this class to a large group of students and onlookers, among whom was the painter Rembrandt Hired by the doctor to portray in his famous Anatomy Lesson . This curious article has been published in the magazine's 12 Criminology Quader where you can read in pdf format .